Vizhinjam Lighthouse is one of the most sought-after tourist destinations in Trivandrum, the capital of Kerala. Situated in Kovalam, the lighthouse is a major attraction for tourists from all over the world. The lighthouse is cylindrical with a height of 187 ft and paint markings of red and white bands. Overlooking the sea, the Vizhinjam lighthouse offers everyone a magnificent sea view. The Vizhinjam Lighthouse was constructed in 1972 offering aid to the trade ships that passed by (at the time Vizhinjam was a busy seaport).
“when you reach the top, you see it – the breathtaking view of the wide-open sea and if it is in the evening, you can see the sun setting into the horizon.”
I’ve been to the lighthouse only once but that one time was enough to witness the beauty it held. It might not look much as you see it from the outside. But your anticipation builds as you enter and climb up the flight of stairs. Finally, when you reach the top, you see it – the breathtaking view of the wide-open sea and if it is in the evening, you can see the sun setting into the horizon. The sky and the sea turn into a beautiful golden orange color enchanting those who watch the sunset.
It was a busy evening when I went to the lighthouse. As it was my first time, I didn’t have that much of an expectation. But as I reached the top, the view took my breath away. And I am sure everyone there felt the same way. Different people from different places were there to see the sunset. I could see couples, families, individuals, and even aged people there. Nature had an unexplainable effect on people. How do I put this? It was like they were drawn to the top of the lighthouse by the light from the horizon.
From the lighthouse, you could see almost the whole beach and if you search, you could see tiny, small beaches in between the big rocks. It was really beautiful and unforgettable. I’ve been to many beaches in my life but this might have been the first time I ever climbed a lighthouse. And I must say most of us go to the beach and forget to wander around and see what wonders the place holds. We, humans, have the thirst to travel and see the wonders this world holds but we overlook the wonders that our kind has built for us.
Picture Courtesy:, Google Earth, Travel Techies